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  • Coastal Georgia FrogWatch Frog ID Workshop

Coastal Georgia FrogWatch Frog ID Workshop

  • 12 Feb 2023
  • 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Altama W.M.A.


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At this training, participants will learn how to identify local frogs by sight and sound and get a quick introduction to the FrogWatch community science monitoring program. Following the classroom presentation, the group will walk to a nearby pond to practice their skills and complete a FrogWatch monitoring session. Bring flashlights or headlamps and wear closed toe shoes or hiking boots for a short (<.25 miles) trail walk and monitoring session.

Meet at 4:30pm at Altama WMA. The entrance to Altama WMA is located near the northwest intersection of Hwy 99 and I-95, at exit 42. There are signs beside the road. Follow the driveway straight into the property. We are meeting at the Playhouse, which is located at the end of the driveway.

For questions or more information about upcoming local trainings and events, contact erin.cork@gmail.com or find us on Facebook: FrogWatch Coastal Georgia Chapter.

Register by Mail: RSVP to admin@coastalwildscapes.org. Remit payment to Coastal WildScapes P.O. Box 1106, Darien GA 31305

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